Sunday, November 1, 2009

New month, busy month

We say goodbye to October and with it the rain (HOPEFULLY!) As I look ahead to November I see many things listed on my calendar.  First and foremost, I see how quickly the end of the quarter will approach and I hope that I have explained the make-up log and lesson procedures carefully enough to the band students.  I have gone over things repeatedly, but one never knows if they have been "heard" by everyone in the room!  Experience has taught me that there are students with questions out there.

The quarter ends on Thursday, November 12th.  All make-up lessons and practice logs must be completed and turned in by the end of the day. We will have 4 days of make-up lessons the last week of the quarter, but there are more students who need lessons than there are slots available!  Make sure you schedule with me this week if you can to make sure you get a time.  Make up practice logs can be done before or after school, or during homeroom or prime-time.  Make sure you have your log signed by Mr, Kopetzki or me  when you finish practicing each time in order for the log to be valid.  A reminder that any student that has been participating in jazz band will automatically receive a free practice log in the grade book at the end of the quarter!

This week in lessons the seventh graders are being tested on the band music.  Remember to prepare carefully ahead of time.  Also, remember your lesson!  We don't want to add any additional make-up lessons to the calendar!

On Wednesday, November 11th the 8th Grade Concert Band will perform in the annual Veteran's Day Program.  You will need your black and white for this performance.  Parents and other family members are invited to attend this program which will be held in the auditorium.

The following Tuesday (November 17) our first formal performance of the year will be held.  The Fall Instrumental Concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will feature the 7th and 8th Grade Concert Bands, the Junior High Jazz Ensemble, and an "informance" from the band instruction students.  All students will be in black bottoms and white tops.  Please refer to your handbook for specifics. 

As soon as that performance is over we will begin preparing for our December concert in earnest.  It will be the shortest amount of time we have ever had between concerts!

As I close this post, I want to share that we had an exceptional week of rehearsals!  I hope this continues!  Students and parents, as we move forward, please contact me with any questions you may have.  The word that will pay this week is "busy."

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