Thursday, November 19, 2009

Job well done!

Congratulations to the junior high band members on a job well done!  We had our first concert on Tuesday and all of the groups did an excellent job.  It is always difficult for students at the junior high age level to start a new year, in a new school, and with a new director.  Even though our concert was early on the schedule the groups really worked hard and performed well.  I would also like to congratulate the students on the exemplary behavior they displayed at the concert.  I teach that the performance "begins when you walk on stage and continues until the concert is over."  This can be a difficult concept for young minds, especially when the "musical" portion of the concert is over them and they are now sitting in a large group watching.  But, they did great!  

Now we are on to new music for our next concert in December! 

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