Friday, October 2, 2009

Sniffles, coughs, and lessons

So it was quite the week.  Throughout the week we had various music teachers go down to the flu.  It was a guessing game each day when I arrived at East after teaching at Franklin as to which cars I would see parked by the music rooms.  Luckily, I had only had some of the mild symptoms and was able to keep going.  I didn't want to miss this week - too much happening!  Many, many students were gone though, and I'm afraid that has set our progress back a bit.  I hope everyone is healthy soon.

It was finally time to begin 7th grade lessons.  The best part for me was an that it was an opportunity to "meet" everyone and to hear them play individually.  I believe we have some talented kids in this group!  I'm excited about that.  It is taking longer than I would like for them to adjust to the new routines and protocals of a junior high rehearsal.  I hope that improves soon.

We had the jazz meeting on Wednesday and had many students show up.  We will begin rehearsals this week.

Due to Mr. Kopetzki being sick I even had the opportunity to spend a little more time with the 8th grade.  It has been a difficult adjust to make this year for all of us, and I hope that they will continue to work with us as we (and they) adjust.  I am looking forward to 8th grade lessons this week!  This is the part where I "reward" people who read the blog.  If you are a student reading this, come up to me and tell me the secret word of the week...that word is "tempo."  Extra credit goes to those who use it correctly in a musical sentence.  Don't tell your friends - this is your extra-credit reward for following our blog! I hope to hear from  you.

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