Hey everyone, the concert is tomorrow! Quick reminders: jazz run-through tomorrow on stage during home room. Arrive quickly - we don't have a lot of time! 7th will rehearse on stage for the first portion of rehearsal, then back to the band room. Ensembles start tomorrow night at 5:50 - be early to run through your ensemble first - remind your members to get there on time. Concert order for the 6:30 show is 7th Grade Concert Band, choir - set #1, orchestra, choir - set #2, jazz band. Order for 8:00 show is jazz band, 8th Grade Concert Band, choir, orchestra.
Get a good night's sleep and be at your full concentration and effort level tomorrow! Let's make good music!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
It was nice to talk to so many parents and students at parent / teacher conferences. It is always nice to touch base and talk about the progress of the students and the bands. Once we come back next week will forge ahead with the music for the December concert. The magic number for 7th Grade Concert Band is "7" rehearsals left! Come prepared to make some great music. Jazz will be back to our regular day of Wednesday morning and we all have to come with with ways to practice our holiday ensembles...any thoughts? The secret word is gobble. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend! Don't eat too much pie!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Job well done!
Congratulations to the junior high band members on a job well done! We had our first concert on Tuesday and all of the groups did an excellent job. It is always difficult for students at the junior high age level to start a new year, in a new school, and with a new director. Even though our concert was early on the schedule the groups really worked hard and performed well. I would also like to congratulate the students on the exemplary behavior they displayed at the concert. I teach that the performance "begins when you walk on stage and continues until the concert is over." This can be a difficult concept for young minds, especially when the "musical" portion of the concert is over them and they are now sitting in a large group watching. But, they did great!
Now we are on to new music for our next concert in December!
Now we are on to new music for our next concert in December!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
New month, busy month
We say goodbye to October and with it the rain (HOPEFULLY!) As I look ahead to November I see many things listed on my calendar. First and foremost, I see how quickly the end of the quarter will approach and I hope that I have explained the make-up log and lesson procedures carefully enough to the band students. I have gone over things repeatedly, but one never knows if they have been "heard" by everyone in the room! Experience has taught me that there are students with questions out there.
The quarter ends on Thursday, November 12th. All make-up lessons and practice logs must be completed and turned in by the end of the day. We will have 4 days of make-up lessons the last week of the quarter, but there are more students who need lessons than there are slots available! Make sure you schedule with me this week if you can to make sure you get a time. Make up practice logs can be done before or after school, or during homeroom or prime-time. Make sure you have your log signed by Mr, Kopetzki or me when you finish practicing each time in order for the log to be valid. A reminder that any student that has been participating in jazz band will automatically receive a free practice log in the grade book at the end of the quarter!
This week in lessons the seventh graders are being tested on the band music. Remember to prepare carefully ahead of time. Also, remember your lesson! We don't want to add any additional make-up lessons to the calendar!
On Wednesday, November 11th the 8th Grade Concert Band will perform in the annual Veteran's Day Program. You will need your black and white for this performance. Parents and other family members are invited to attend this program which will be held in the auditorium.
The following Tuesday (November 17) our first formal performance of the year will be held. The Fall Instrumental Concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will feature the 7th and 8th Grade Concert Bands, the Junior High Jazz Ensemble, and an "informance" from the band instruction students. All students will be in black bottoms and white tops. Please refer to your handbook for specifics.
As soon as that performance is over we will begin preparing for our December concert in earnest. It will be the shortest amount of time we have ever had between concerts!
As I close this post, I want to share that we had an exceptional week of rehearsals! I hope this continues! Students and parents, as we move forward, please contact me with any questions you may have. The word that will pay this week is "busy."
Friday, October 23, 2009
"Water Music?"
The Water Music is a collection of orchestral movements composed by George Frideric Handel. It premiered on July 17,1717 when King George I requested a concert on the River Thames. The concert was performed by 50 musicians playing on a barge close to the royal barge where King George I was listening. It was said that the king loved it so much he ordered the exhausted musicians to play the suite three times on the trip.
This weather makes me think Handel's Water Music! This morning when I drove to Franklin Elementary to begin my day it was raining. When I left Franklin to go to East it was sleeting. After my 3rd period class some of the biggest snow flakes I have ever seen were coming down. The drive home found the wipers once again pushing the rain off the windshield. Enough already!
Regardless of the weather it has been a great week! General Music finished the 1950's decade and will move into the 60's on Monday. The 7th Grade Concert Band made HUGE progress this week on their selections for the November concert - WAY TO GO! We had an awesome jazz rehearsal Wednesday morning and will start working on our 3rd song next Wednesday. More 7th grade students remembered their lesson than the first lesson cycle and I have more 7th and 8th grade practice logs in the drawers this week than last! After school I looked at mostly empty instrument cubbies which means that a lot of horns went home this weekend to practice! I think most students are finally establishing a routine (an none too soon as the end of quarter one is rapidly approaching.) If you have questions on practice logs, lessons, music, etc. please ask! I want to make sure everyone understands what is expected of them - and these expectations are designed to make you and the bands successful!
I wish the 8th graders a good weekend of preparation as we head into 8th grade lessons and testing! I hope everyone finds a little time in their weekend to improve their individual playing - which in turn makes the groups better. We are changing the game this week - instead of a secret word, tell me the story of Handel's Water Music. Hopefully the rain will stop long before we need to start building barges to play from!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What we've learned this week:
It has been a short, yet beneficial week for all. My post will be about what we've learned (or I hope we've learned) during school these three days.
1. Learning is so much easier when everyone is there! It appears that students must be starting to recover from the flu - I've had pretty good attendance this week. Good attendance means we don't have to back up to make sure everyone has the information we covered in their absence. It also means students aren't stressed about what they have missed. That being said:
2. Students always seem to recover in time to be gone on a field trip! Today was a field trip for half of the 7th grade class. It was the first time I have had full attendance in one of my classes for weeks. Of course half of those students were actually not in class; they were on the trip...Hmmm...
3. Students can tolerate (enjoy?!?) music from the "olden days." Music 7 spent the week learning about music from the 1940's. Today when they wrote essays about the period I had the 1940's playlist going in the background - it was super cool to see them enjoy the music as they created. Can't wait until we discuss the 1950's next week.
4. I love it when students put themselves out there and try new things. We had an additional 9 people for JH Jazz this morning. AWESOME!
5. Students will believe anything really early in the morning. To "reward" the jazz students for being "on time" (early) for rehearsal this morning I told them I had received permission from the school to allow them to sleep in the next two mornings. It took awhile (too long) for the majority of them to get that.
6. With responsibility comes rewards. It is amazing to observe what a make-up lesson can do for your grade. We had many students make up lessons this week.
7. It is difficult to successfully pull off a lock down drill when half of the students are coughing uncontrollably when we are trying to be "quiet."
8. I am completely "OK" with students taking their instruments to practice. (note: It's kind of expected/required...see "practice logs" in the handbook!)
9. We have a concert rapidly approaching and we have major work to do on our selections. (see #8 for a special message on how to help us deal with #9.
10. After this week, I am looking forward to Monday! The secret word this week is "learning." You know what to do with it. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND (but find time to practice!)
Friday, October 9, 2009
If it's not one thing...
Thursday is the only day each week where all of the 7th grade band members are in rehearsal. On Tuesday we have students that go to orchestra and choir, and on Fridays we split the period, so Thursdays are "our day" to really make progress. This Thursday we had a fire drill scheduled 15 minutes into rehearsal! Now a fire drill in a "regular classroom" is bad enough, but in a band room with 65 students, chairs, stands, cases and instruments it is another thing entirely. The good news is that it gave me time to inform the students where we go during drills and the expectation of how they are to get there. The best part - they totally exceeded my expectations! AWESOME JOB, BAND!!! The worst part - that left us with about 10 minutes of our "full rehearsal." Next week is a three-day week with a scheduled late start on Tuesday, so that will shorten our only rehearsal of the week - I hope everyone practices individually! Yikes.
We had our first junior high jazz rehearsal on Wednesday and it went really well. Thanks to all the parents who got their children there on time - impressive! I look forward to this Wednesday when we will hopefully be joined by the students who were sick last week. We also welcome other students - just let me know you are planning on being there so I have music for you.
Wow this has become a long post - time for the "secret word." If you are visiting the blog for the first time, read last week's post to learn about the secret word. The word this week is drill. Good luck. Have a great weekend - squeeze in a little time for individual practice!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sniffles, coughs, and lessons
So it was quite the week. Throughout the week we had various music teachers go down to the flu. It was a guessing game each day when I arrived at East after teaching at Franklin as to which cars I would see parked by the music rooms. Luckily, I had only had some of the mild symptoms and was able to keep going. I didn't want to miss this week - too much happening! Many, many students were gone though, and I'm afraid that has set our progress back a bit. I hope everyone is healthy soon.
It was finally time to begin 7th grade lessons. The best part for me was an that it was an opportunity to "meet" everyone and to hear them play individually. I believe we have some talented kids in this group! I'm excited about that. It is taking longer than I would like for them to adjust to the new routines and protocals of a junior high rehearsal. I hope that improves soon.
We had the jazz meeting on Wednesday and had many students show up. We will begin rehearsals this week.
Due to Mr. Kopetzki being sick I even had the opportunity to spend a little more time with the 8th grade. It has been a difficult adjust to make this year for all of us, and I hope that they will continue to work with us as we (and they) adjust. I am looking forward to 8th grade lessons this week! This is the part where I "reward" people who read the blog. If you are a student reading this, come up to me and tell me the secret word of the week...that word is "tempo." Extra credit goes to those who use it correctly in a musical sentence. Don't tell your friends - this is your extra-credit reward for following our blog! I hope to hear from you.
It was finally time to begin 7th grade lessons. The best part for me was an that it was an opportunity to "meet" everyone and to hear them play individually. I believe we have some talented kids in this group! I'm excited about that. It is taking longer than I would like for them to adjust to the new routines and protocals of a junior high rehearsal. I hope that improves soon.
We had the jazz meeting on Wednesday and had many students show up. We will begin rehearsals this week.
Due to Mr. Kopetzki being sick I even had the opportunity to spend a little more time with the 8th grade. It has been a difficult adjust to make this year for all of us, and I hope that they will continue to work with us as we (and they) adjust. I am looking forward to 8th grade lessons this week! This is the part where I "reward" people who read the blog. If you are a student reading this, come up to me and tell me the secret word of the week...that word is "tempo." Extra credit goes to those who use it correctly in a musical sentence. Don't tell your friends - this is your extra-credit reward for following our blog! I hope to hear from you.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Time to begin
Today I passed out the lesson passes for the quarter to the 7th grade - FINALLY! It feels like I have been spinning my wheels with the students as this week has been so fractured due to testing and homecoming schedules. Next week we should have rehearsals as well!
We are also going to have an informational meeting next Wednesday during homeroom for students interested in being in jazz ensemble. I have the posters finished, information sheets printed and even passes ready for that! I hope we have a lot of interest - it would be great to have a large group!
We are also going to have an informational meeting next Wednesday during homeroom for students interested in being in jazz ensemble. I have the posters finished, information sheets printed and even passes ready for that! I hope we have a lot of interest - it would be great to have a large group!
Monday, September 21, 2009
"Ready, Set, WAIT!"
I feel like that is what I hear at school the past few days. It is always difficult to start a new school year, but just when I was starting to get into a routine we have the "tri-fecta" this week: NWEA testing (which alters every schedule), our first scheduled late-start for PLC work, and Homecoming activities. So, the lesson schedule that was ready to kick off this week has been delayed. We even lose a day of 7th grade rehearsal on Tuesday because we don't have "7th period" on that day!!!
I have been looking forward to starting lessons; it will help me to hear each new 7th grader and start to know them as individual people. I will also be able to reconnect with the 8th graders. Until then, if anyone would like a lesson or needs some help with anything please stop in an schedule time with me. There are new people in the bands that would really like to work with and get to know.
I look forward to next week when the phrase will change to "Ready, Set, GO!"
I have been looking forward to starting lessons; it will help me to hear each new 7th grader and start to know them as individual people. I will also be able to reconnect with the 8th graders. Until then, if anyone would like a lesson or needs some help with anything please stop in an schedule time with me. There are new people in the bands that would really like to work with and get to know.
I look forward to next week when the phrase will change to "Ready, Set, GO!"
Friday, September 11, 2009
What was that? Where are we supposed to go? Do I need my instrument now? Am I in the correct classroom? Why are we sitting in the dark? If you are a member of the junior high bands at Mankato East Junior High School you are probably familiar with the questions above and most likely a few more. The first few days of a new school year are often confusing and rushed as students struggle to learn locker combos, where the classrooms are, etc. To make matters worse this year we are struggling with shifted schedules and classes which strain the music suite more than ever. The logistics of teaching four classes 8th period when we only have three rehearsal rooms seems a little mind boggling. Students, you need to know that Fridays are goofy. When all music students are there and "share" a period (band/choir for example) it will take a few weeks to get used to that. I can assure you of the following: 1. It will start to make more sense next week 2. Everyone will be calmer when routines start to set in 3. The power DOES NOT go out in the building on a regular basis! HANG IN THERE - trust me, your musical experience will be worth it!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ready or not...
Ready or not...the first day is here! The excitement of a new year - I am ready to get started. It was great seeing a bunch of last years 8th graders as they have been in school the past two days now that they are in high school. It was also nice to meet so many parents and incoming students during conferences. I think it will be an awesome year!
Remember to bring your instrument and a pencil to rehearsal tomorrow. When you arrive in the music suite you can go into the junior high storage area and search for your cubbie. Let me know if you have any problems or questions! See you 7th and 8th hour....
Remember to bring your instrument and a pencil to rehearsal tomorrow. When you arrive in the music suite you can go into the junior high storage area and search for your cubbie. Let me know if you have any problems or questions! See you 7th and 8th hour....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Back to the future
Hi Everyone! "Welcome to East" or "Welcome Back" depending on who you are! I am excited to start the music making process again on September 10th. I titled this "back to the future" because every September we start the educational process all over again - we have new school supplies, new clothes, new shoes, and hopefully new expectations for excellence in band and in your other classes. The "future" part is the anticipation of how much we can accomplish, how much we can learn, and how much we can grow as musicians throughout the year. Even though I start each school year with the same anticipation, I feel this year has awesome potential! I hope you do as well -
I hope that you will bring your parents to the music suite during orientation or conferences! I will have back-to-school information for you and you will be given your assigned cubby for your instrument. Make sure you have your instrument the first day of school!
Also - I am excited to announce that you can now follow us on Twitter! Just click on the link at the right side of the blog and wait for the "Easttweets" to come in!!!
I hope that you will bring your parents to the music suite during orientation or conferences! I will have back-to-school information for you and you will be given your assigned cubby for your instrument. Make sure you have your instrument the first day of school!
Also - I am excited to announce that you can now follow us on Twitter! Just click on the link at the right side of the blog and wait for the "Easttweets" to come in!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Concert Wrap Up

All of the band members did a great job at the concert on May 28th! Kudos also to the 6th Grade Band from Franklin Elementary who joined us on the stage. We look forward to having you join us at East next fall as 7th graders!
Students are reminded that summer forms are do - I hope you will consider signing up for one of our summer offerings.
Instruments should go home for the summer unless it is a school instrument or you have make up work to complete. If you have make up work to complete - get it done!!!
I want to thank everyone for a great year and I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing summer - I will see you in the fall (unless you sign up for summer lessons -hint, hint, hint!)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Spring Concert
We will present our spring concert on Thursday, May 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the East Auditorium. Featured on the program will be the Franklin 6th Grade Band under the direction of Mr. Stock, Jazz Seven, Jazz Eight, and the 7th Grade and 8th Grade Concert Bands. We will combine all the concert bands together at the end for a grand finale performing the main theme from "Star Wars." It should be a great show and a wonderful way to end the year! I hope you can all make it. The word is concert.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Combined Song Link
The bands of Mankato East Junior High School and Franklin Elementary will combine in concert on Thursday, May 28th. The grand finale to the concert will be a performance of the main theme from "Star Wars" performed by the combined musicians in grades 6-8. A practice / listening link for musicians is located on the right side of the screen under "combined bands."
Monday, April 27, 2009
Busy Time
It's a busy time! We have so many days of interrupted time due to taking "the tests." This week our schedule is altered four out of the five days! I am doing testing of my own this week - helping Mr. Stock test 5th grade students on different band instruments. So between my schedule and yours...we will not get a whole lot accomplished as far as lessons are concerned!
Good luck with your testing! Check the band bulletin board for an altered schedule of lessons for this week.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spring Fever

It's at this time of the year when the weather outside tends to have an impact on the environment inside. Hopefully we will be able to retain our focus during rehearsals! The bands are working on exciting, fun pieces for the May concert and we are enjoying learning to play them. The students in 8th grade are trying to master the concept of 12/8 time as two songs we are doing use that time signature. The students in 7th Grade are working on a band version of "Viva la Vida" made popular by Coldplay. So are you suffering from "spring fever?" That is the phrase...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Post Concert Wrap
Last night the junior high bands shared the stage with the junior high choirs at our March Concert. All of the groups did an outstanding job and played to an overflow audience where the custodians even had to set up folding chairs! I can't comment too much on the concert as students will need to complete a post-concert evaluation next week and I don't want my opinions to influence theirs. For now, I will say that I think everything went really well and I hope they felt good about our efforts. I hope their parents, grandparents, and siblings enjoyed it as well! The word is concert.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The junior high bands will share the stage with the junior high choirs on Thursday, March 19th at 7:30 p.m. in the East Auditorium. Students will be presenting a wide variety of musical styles throughout the concert.
The band students have been working hard to put the final touches on their pieces and it should be a great concert! We hope to see you there. The word is concert.
The band students have been working hard to put the final touches on their pieces and it should be a great concert! We hope to see you there. The word is concert.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Great Performances
It has been a busy few weeks. On Saturday, February 21st students from Mankato East Jr. High participated in the 2nd annual South Central Minnesota Band Directors Association regional honor band festival held at Mankato West High School. As the honor band chairperson for the region it was a super busy time for me, but I was able to watch our students combine with the other students and do focused rehearsals and present an outstanding concert! Students from East who participated were Nhi Nguyen, flute; Katie Karkoska, oboe; Ryan Kotthoff, trumpet; Sam Iverson, trombone; and Michael Zellar, tuba. Great job!
This past Monday our department hosted the region Large Group Band Contest. Bands from East, West, Waseca and New Ulm performed on stage and then received a clinic on their performance in the band room. It was great to see a few junior high students there listening. Congratulations to the East Cougar and Concert Bands on their outstanding performances! The word this time is outstanding.
This past Monday our department hosted the region Large Group Band Contest. Bands from East, West, Waseca and New Ulm performed on stage and then received a clinic on their performance in the band room. It was great to see a few junior high students there listening. Congratulations to the East Cougar and Concert Bands on their outstanding performances! The word this time is outstanding.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Job Well Done!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Goal: 100%

I must be on a theme of percentages lately! The last post made me think about how we have to always strive for a goal of 100% in music - we need 100% attendance at rehearsals and performances to be successful giving 100% effort in order to achieve as close to a 100% accuracy on our music as possible!
Will we achieve 100% accuracy? Probably not. But we need to push ourselves to do our very best each rehearsal which will translate into an excellent performance. Here is the equation you need to know: Concert Performance = average of performance during rehearsals. How scary is that?
Think of how 100% is applied to other things. How many pro basketball players or teams shoot 100%? If a team shoots 65% from the floor they are said to be having a "great game." If we settled for 65% accuracy on notes and rhythms we wouldn't sound very good!
Thank you for striving to give your best everyday. The word that pays this week is 100%.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
50% There

We are 50% there. Some of us see the glass as half empty, while others see the glass as half full. It depends on your outlook - I'm a glass half full type of guy. For those of you not thinking in musical terms that would probably mean we are officially half way through the school year. If you are thinking musically we are halfway between performances and we have many more days of music making to experience. The good news is that in most cases we are making excellent progress on the music and we are more than 50% prepared on the music for the next concert. I encourage you to keep referring to the reference recordings when you practice. They are an excellent resource when it comes to tempo, style, rhythms, etc.
As we start a new lesson schedule you will see that most of you will now be having individual lessons for the remainder of the year. This will be an excellent opportunity to focus on your individual playing issues and strengths. In keeping with the last post, the magic phrase is "glass half full." If you don't know what is meant by the magic phrase...well, read the last post!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year, same quarter

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful break! Even though it seems like a "new start" we arrive at school and find ourselves pushing toward the end of the quarter. Since it is too cold to do anything outside snuggle up, stay warm, and work on those new band pieces, lesson assignments, and practice logs! (Oh, okay...you can spend time doing other things too!) We are also starting a new feature to the blog...on occasion I will mention a special word or phrase in one of my posts. Mention that word or phrase in a comment on the blog or in person and receive a little extra credit bump. For example: the phrase this time is "Gee, it's cold." I'm not going to mention this in school - we will see how many people read the blog and discover it on their own!
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