With the conclusion of seating auditions I must take the time to say how impressed I was with many of the performances. Perhaps the best part of the process for me was the opportunity to get to know each student as a individual person first, and musician second. Regardless of your placement in the section, please know that every band member plays an important role in ensemble. Without you, our team is diminished! The section principals from both bands met with me during homeroom and we discussed what roles they can assume to help make our bands outstanding!
This was also the week for practice logs. 7th grade had their first log due, and 8th grade received their first log to complete. Practice outside of rehearsal is an extremely important part of the development of young musicians. All musicians young and old need to practice. Some of the best musicians in the world are the ones that practice the most! Remember, I am more concerned with the quality of your practice first - then focus on quantity.
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