Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"A" Work

It seems hard to believe that we are almost at the end of the first quarter! The first quarter is always the most difficult, as teacher and students are getting used to each other and adjusting to new music, new procedures, and new grading expectations. The grade book usually looks pretty awful at this point as well, as I fill in missing work with "zeros" in order to show students what their final grade will be if the missing work is not turned in.

In classes today I went over procedures for make-up practice logs. Please see me if you have questions on how to complete them. The logs are located on the bulletin board and must be completed at school. This is also the perfect time to do make up those missing lessons! Don't procrastinate and wait until the end!

Remember, in ALL of your classes your teachers want to help you SUCCEED. We want to give you the grade that you deserve and earn and I know that everyone in the bands are capable of "A" work! I hope you work up to your potential!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Strolling Along

We stroll through time like fall leaves making their way to the ground courtesy of the wind. It often feels like "time flies." It is hard to believe that mid-quarter was last week. It seems even harder to believe that we have our second late start this week and our first long weekend thanks to MEA. It is important that we keep our focus as our time "continues to fly" as each passing day brings performances closer! Even though we have a short week we will make the most of our rehearsals - please come to rehearsal ready to "stroll" through the music!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

All that JAZZ!

Mankato East junior high band students are now in the process of signing up for jazz ensembles. We will have one ensemble for sure, but if interest warrants we will have two! I welcome and encourage all band students to consider trying out for one of our ensembles. Rehearsals will start October 22nd.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We started a new program this week. Each Friday I will announce the section in the bands that has shown the most excellence during the week. My criteria includes musical performance, focus, and spirit. The sections will receive their picture on the bulletin board by the band room and various other perks throughout the week. While all sections did well overall, this first week the flute sections in each band outdid themselves - congratulations!

With the conclusion of seating auditions I must take the time to say how impressed I was with many of the performances. Perhaps the best part of the process for me was the opportunity to get to know each student as a individual person first, and musician second. Regardless of your placement in the section, please know that every band member plays an important role in ensemble. Without you, our team is diminished! The section principals from both bands met with me during homeroom and we discussed what roles they can assume to help make our bands outstanding!

This was also the week for practice logs. 7th grade had their first log due, and 8th grade received their first log to complete. Practice outside of rehearsal is an extremely important part of the development of young musicians. All musicians young and old need to practice. Some of the best musicians in the world are the ones that practice the most! Remember, I am more concerned with the quality of your practice first - then focus on quantity.